Mawun Beach
The location of Mawun beach can be said to be located between Kuta beach and Selong Belanak beach in the south coast of Lombok which is a series of beautiful and enchanting beach beaches which is certainly a white sandy beach area flanked by green rock hills if seen during the rainy season, mostly the beach is covered by rock hills so we can’t see if driving between Kuta beach to Selong Belanak beach are only a few fields that appear but very few.
To get to this location can take the same path when heading to Selong Belanak beach if you already know the way to Selonng Belanak beach and this is a little further but to be more precise you can see the instructions from google map, approximately 55 km distance to the route not so flat with a pretty good road contour but winding and up and down, if you use google map then you will be shown to cross a little in front of Lombok International airport then turn right following the asphalt path which will lead to a traditional market and turn right slightly towards the Mawun beach gate.
The directions are very clear, we see if you have arrived around the location because you have been given instructions on the traffic signs very clearly, which is certain if there is a road leading to the south you can see the writing there, if it has arrived at the location at the entrance to the beach you will face first with the gate keeper, of course for the affairs of the entrance ticket, for one motorcycle is charged IDR 10.000 and IDR 20.000 can be written on the entrance ticket.

In accordance with the value paid seems not to lose because there are already facilities that have been packaged by the manager, on the beach there is a gazebo lined up to relax as well as around the toilet, flowers arranged a little so that it can boost the atmosphere, there are also shady parts for sleeping lazily if you bring a mat, there are also vendors of snacks, canned drinks and young coconut for IDR 15.000 / one fruit.
I can’t carve a story about this location but I suggest you should just visit this location, maybe you can see it in google first, the shape of the beach, but it’s definitely different if we look at the picture with us looking directly at the location, broadly speaking This beach is a bay located on the south coast with blue and green water color, maybe the green part of the beach is, besides that the water is relatively calm and certainly the sand is clean white, the hill that flanks the bay looks very beautiful.

If you visit this location, you can also visit other beaches as well as one way, namely: Selong Belanak, Mawi Beach, Semeti Beach, Areguling Beach, Tepar Beach and the eastern end, Kuta Beach, of course, choose one of them because you remember the time also all roads will lead to a road not far from Lombok International airport until the benchmark to get to this location is very easy to stay to Lombok airport then ask the local people to go to Mawun beach, of course there are 3 alternatives to show.