Semeti Beach
In the last few years, many new things can be exposed quickly because the role of information technology supported by the app of smart phones with the Android application to the locations of tourist objects that were previously only known by a few people is now very quickly spread the location of an object if every visitor took a picture and then posted on social media, especially Facebook, I honestly first knew Semeti beach from Facebook media posted by friends from touring motorbike clubs based in the city of Mataram, this could be considered as an axis that invites people people to visit this location.

I didn’t think the location of Semeti beach was far from the location that I had visited twice, namely the Mawi beach which was included in the Selong belanak village area, Pujut sub district, it’s just that the path to Semeti beach is not formed like the road that is often passed by motorized vehicles.
Just like the traffic of cattle, buffalo or cattle so even though I have seen this path but I am reluctant to find out what’s up at the end of this lane. If you have just arrived at the location of a very small motorbike or car park, Semeti beach looks not much different from Mawi beach (the same but not the same) the entrance to Semeti beach location is still one gate and can go to Selong belanak beach along the coastline but the road this is only a dirt road at any time can be muddy and muddy.

In the last few years, Semeti beach has been very busy posted on Instagram, so many curious young people want to visit Semeti beach, especially because its amazing beauty is that rock is carved by the waves to resemble a temple stone like we see the Prambanan temple.
From a distance in silhouettes, sorry maybe this is the language of sarcastic which is less close but the fragments of stone texture are formed like temples which are continuously struck by the hardness of the waves that make up this location until it looks very beautiful and looks unique, especially photography experts know from which side capture capture the art of photography because this location is quite wide and there are many nice angles for shooting.

Not only this location alone can be used as an object for photography if you are on the top of a rock on Semeti beach when you aim the object towards Mawi beach or Selong Belanak beach also displays very good results by displaying rock hills far away which looks blurred in gray and clear sea water and the waves.
That carve blue seas become beautiful like naturalist paintings. Be careful here with your camera or smart phone, besides you will likely slip until your cellphone crashes, also the waves at this location are so loud that it will make the blow up the water allow you to wet or the camera is exposed to sea water which must be dangerous because it contains salt substance.
In addition to this location, there were victims of lovers who were visiting this location when they tried to self y on the rock, the woman slipped into the water, probably hit by a rock, then the boy who wanted to save the lover also fell and was dragged by the waves up to the second he died, friends who took part in the trip reported to the incident and that day the body of the woman could be found while the men were found later on. This unfortunate event occurred on January 16, 2018, was a resident of the village of Kawo district. Central Lombok, for this reason we take lessons to be more careful here.

You need to be careful to explore this location, you really need dexterity to get through difficult terrain and I suggest only for young people for the elderly (elderly) do not because they have to work on rock cliffs and walk squatting to get through some of the lush Spiny bushes and paths are only small paths.
In addition, in this location, many crab-type marine animals that invite attention into the cracks of rock that are hit by waves, seagulls are quite crowded adorning this location flying while thrusting all their bodies into the water to get fish there are even some that seen perched on rock other than that have you ever heard of Lombok with pepper sand? Please for those who want to collect just with Aqua bottles you can take in front of the beach the location of Semeti beach parking.

Now suggesting Semeti beach? Let’s to Lombok comes to this place on the south coast of Lombok island, Pujut sub-district, Central Lombok district, just schedule your chance to visit Lombok, contact the author of this blog, we will design your arrival plan during Lombok to check out the airport and send an itinerary via email.
I suggest Don’t come in the rainy season because access to this road will become a muddy field and it’s very difficult to get through the terrain to the Semeti beach location or other alternative if you really like to walk the vehicle we will park in a safe location of mud and then we walk as far as 1 km right? I have to struggle a little towards this location because many Malaysian tourists have visited this location they know this location information because they also read blogs about this beautiful Semeti beach.