Sunbathing Beach area in Gili Trawangan


Sunbathin in Trawangan


As a true traveler, wherever you want to visit wherever possible, every moment you want is recorded, at least it can be recorded by the picture of your smart phone right? No exception if you are going to visit Gili Trawangan surely you want to show that you really are on Gili Trawangan with the characteristics there are Caucasians and Caucasians again basking on the beach.

Location in front of Ombak Sunset Hotel

Well, the sunbathing location on Gili Trawangan is generally seen in front of the Horizontal pub lounge which is about 300 meters from the public port on Gili Trawangan, walking to the right because in this area it has a vast expanse of white sand, Caucasians who want to embezzle the color of the skin is where they are basking in bikini clothing to sleep on their backs while reading thick novels using a glass sun or we call black glasses.

Almost most of the sunbathers here are western or for Indonesians we call Caucasians because the color of the skin is white, if there are local or indigenous people who join here it will look strange, for Caucasians to darken the skin is their tradition while on vacation to the tropics which is sometimes their pride as a sign of returning home from the tropics because Europeans enjoy less sunlight than people who live close to the equator.

Sunbathing location on the east coast of Gili Trawangan in front of turtle breeding

Sunbathing in mini clothes for Caucasians and Caucasians is a tradition of their culture in vacation, walking in bikini clothes even when paddling a few times, but don’t get mistaken that doesn’t mean this is porn action but this is a matter of tradition and does not mean Caucasians are free to be touched because of their way or their meteoric culture, it is not for them a bitch or porn is part of their lifestyle.

When they dress like that they will be very disturbed if you glare at it especially if you dare to touch an unnatural part of the body, the Caucasians will report you to the authorities. For now the tourist visit to Gili Trawangan is very swollen in the area that I mentioned above has been unable to accommodate so many people who will bask in front of Horizon pub so now in the place I mentioned it is no longer playing set.

On the west coast of Gili Trawangan beach many foreign tourists are sunbathing sporadically, especially now that all the buildings on the beach are evicted by the district government apparatus, more and more areas are considered comfortable to relax or sunbathe, unlike before if you just sit there suddenly will come to offer food menus at quite fantastic prices.

Sunbathing location on the North coast of Gili Trawangan in front of the Bali Kana hotel.

On Gili Trawangan, although it is the largest tourism destination in the archipelago, it does not mean that Caucasians and foreigners have the freedom to carry their customs and traditions to this island because they are very good and the values ​​of social norms are still highly valued on this island. Caucasians are limited not to wander haphazardly into the village by wearing their bikinis because in every alley and entrance, a warning has been given with the prohibition against using bikini clothing into the village.

Previously the coast was dominated by business people so it did not provide space for people who just wanted to sunbathe.

Only they are given the flexibility at the beach side location, of course, especially for naked naked without clothes they are already in the path with writing on the sunbathing location not to be naked and must respect the norms of the local community especially now that it has been standing for a long time 2 mosques are quite large and wrong one is quite magnificent with modern architecture.

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