The MTB trip route up the Bengkaung hamlet is not suitable for beginners, this route is only for people who are trained and really have strong knees. Do not even try. If you are a beginner, you should choose another route.

Our cycling route this time is not far from the city of Mataram, we will go to Gunungsari sub-district, West Lombok district. Our starting point is from the front of Alfamart as in the map above. for a clearer route that we will take you can click the red writing yes.

Our path is exactly in the hills that appear to the north of the city of Mataram, 100% asphalt road. At first we will ride a few kilos with flat terrain, then we will go uphill, “crazy.

At this location the incline is very extreme but not too long about 5 km with the contour rising steadily at some points there is a slight descent before reaching the top of the top hill.

Don’t try this route, this is the most frightening route for an MTB trip, this route is specifically for professionals. In this route we were not able to find a physically strong guide.

Those who really have to be strong must be participants who are already in the class of cyclists. On this route you will be presented with views of the coast from the top of the hill. You can see the Ampenan coast and the Bengkaug valley, Pelolat Hill, Seraye coral and Batulayar hills.

The length of the route is approx 7 km, not suitable for beginners. Our participants urge to be careful, especially when descending from the hill.

The terrain is very steep and will be slippery after the rain. normal travel time of 4 hours including resting while taking photos.

Once again this is very extreme, don’t try it, we recommend it for those who are used to cycling or cycling athletes. The view that you will get from the top of the hill will really pay for your energy.

There are several places for us to stop while enjoying the charming view from the top of the hill, for more details I just added a link about this Bengkaung hill, → See here

On this trip we do not provide lunch, as compensation we will try to get an adequate bicycle class, Extrada 5 or Extrada 6 from Polygon.

On the hill there are many places where we can buy snacks, but don’t worry, the loading car will also join the fiber to go up the hill, bring logistics and ready to help the overwhelmed participants.


IDR 300,000 / Person

(Minimum 5 Participants)



  2. Bicycle Helmet
  3. Attraction Entrance Ticket
  4. Unlimited Bottled Water
  5. Lunch + fruits
  6. Bike Lifter Pick Up Car


  • Pick up from hotel to start point and back to hotel again
  • Cycling Guide
  • Marshal (for group participants)


The cycling route will be conditioned according to the participants’ physical abilities or you can choose the route that we have displayed on this page, if it can be considered according to the information we have written.

In the implementation, participants must not be divided into several parts. To make it easy to control the Guide and avoid wrong lanes.

For equipment we only provide bicycles, helmets, Pick Up Loading cars for other purposes such as carrying spare bicycles and other logistics.

For other equipment is the initiative of the participants, because this is a place to relax and relax while traveling.

Minimum of 5 participants if less there will be other things that must be taken into account. In this adventure trip package we illustrate the departure location from the city of Mataram.

The starting location is very flexible which you can request from anywhere, especially from the Senggigi area, Kuta beach, Bangsal Harbor and others because there are so many hotel locations for tourists to stay.


Lombok MTB

MTB Lombok cycling trip  to the Cacing (Worm) hill “Cacing Hill. Well, maybe that’s what is often heard in the ears if you are a fan of MTB cycling and also if you are a fan of DH bikes or Down Hill, why is that?

Yes, indeed that is the reality and what I felt before I visited this place.

At the end of 2018 this place was very widely mentioned, so in the end I took the time to take two notes to this location.

Tracks or terrain at this location are very different from the location of MTB cycling in general but unfortunately this track is a bit short for me.

Worm Hill Top

From where I live in the city center of Mataram to the location of the Cacing hilltop just 9 km away with terrain conditions that curl like worms.

Maybe that is what I described and maybe because this is the reason until this place is called the Cacing hill by MTB lovers.

While the locals call it another designation, namely Orong or in the Indonesian National Language, Orong is a Hallway.

Perhaps also the philosophy of the word Orong for local residents is very appropriate to give the name Orong.

Because when we go to the location we enter a bamboo orong, because the road to this location is surrounded by thick bamboo trees.

The route comes on the hill of Worms

What if you want to go to Bukit Cacing location? Well this time I will direct you to the intended hill.

If you are a resident of Mataram city it will not be difficult to find this location, the main benchmark is that you simply drive to the Rembiga village.

The famous Rembiga with the Satenya kuliner, then headed towards the Gunungsari sub-district, to the north by crossing 2 large bridges.

until you reach the sales center of Gunungsari bamboo, the road is a little winding and there are several intersections.

Either, left and right, but make sure you arrive at intersection four, where if you turn left on this main road you will go to Sandik village, Montong village and turn right towards Senggigi beach.

Orong or Lorong to Cacing hill

Next if we pass to the North then you will go to North Lombok district, crossing a green hill that doesn’t look far in front of you.

Now if you turn right about 300 meters, it will split left and right.

If to the right it will go to many places, to Dopang, Penimbung, Lingsar and so on, but if you turn to the left then that is the road to the Worm hill that we mean.


At the beginning of the turn left the condition of the road is paved with good even there is a train for less than 1 km, after that the asphalt road off or asphalt that has just left the gravel.

Next the road will continue to climb with concrete hardening conditions, the rays trace the thick bamboo Orong, so you don’t have to worry about being exposed to the hot sun.

The position of the bike to the right is a path to the top that is difficult to guess

The position of the bike to the right is a path to the top that is difficult to guess

OK, so that’s how the atmosphere you meet later if there are plans to take a two-way trip there.

But this review certainly hasn’t finished getting here because we haven’t arrived at the Cacing hilltop location.

Before arriving at the top of the Cacing hill there will be little obstacles here, because the dirt road to the top of the Cacing hill is very unexpected.

Because there are no directions, so you have to ask around the people who live there.

“If necessary, before asking to go to the location, you should ask where is the place where people sell” Sweet Tuak “(Drinks from sugar palm trees)

If by chance there are those who sell, my advice is to buy a little for your supplement to go up to the hill.

Next ask the location of the road to the top of the Cacing hill.

When relaxing under a mango tree on the Worm hill while enjoying coffee from impromptu traders

Furthermore, after finding the path leading to the top of the Worm hill, there are 2 steps to the stop point or view point.

Next step 2 is wider and at this location high light, this is what is called the Cacing hill or the top of the Worm hill.

From here you can see a beautiful line of hills to the east, to the foot of Mount Rinjani, but from here Mount Rinjani will not be visible because it is blocked by the hill in front of you.

In addition, if you have reached the top of the hill with a flat peak, about 30 acres there, you can order young coconut at a price that is cheap enough for one fruit, around Rp. 5,000.

Can also order coffee and some snacks. Fried bananas, there are also boiled bananas, besides there are bottled drinks.

Another alternative path when descending from the top of the Worm hill

Another alternative path when descending from the top of the Worm hill

Furthermore, if you are satisfied on the hill, then what about the terrain when you turn around to go home? Of course, another return path.

Just ask the impromptu seller on the Worm hill about the direction of descent, if it has come down, you must be careful because the terrain is very steep.

So it is not wrong if DH riders like the Worm Hill the most, because this field is perfect for Down Hill, there are several downhill lines but all of them will go to your initial location up the Cacing hill.

There is also a special path that is made for DH, but if no one is pointing it is sure you will not know this path.

Alright, maybe you can get some temporary information about the Worm Hill, see you in other scribbles. Greetings 2 notes & healthy !!!

Enjoy the young coconut after arriving at the top of the Worm hill
Benang Kelambu

Trip MTB di Lombok dapat kita laksanakan sesuai hasrat Anda masing-masing, Sesuai selera pilihan tempat yang Anda inginkan. “seperti halnya saat ini kita memilih lokasi di desa Aik Berik yang berlokasi di kabupaten Lombok Tengah.Trip MTB memang enaknya seperti itu, mencari rute sawah atau medan off road yang berupa jalan tanah basah ataupun kering karena di situlah tantangan dan keasyikan trip MTB Lombok ini. So, mari coba pengalaman Anda bersepeda di Lombok ya.  


♥ Helm Sepeda
♥ Tiket Masuk Objek Wisata
♥ Air Minum Botol Se-puasnya
♥ Makan Siang + buah-buahan
♥ Mobil Pick Up Loading
♥ Penjemputan dari hotel ke start point
♥ Guide Bersepeda
♥ Marshal (untuk peserta group)



Untuk rute trip MTB bersepeda akan dikondisikan sesuai kemampuan fisik peserta atau bisa memilih rute yang sudah kami tampilkan di halaman ini, sekiranya dapat dipertimbangkan sesuai informasi yang kami tulis.

Dalam pelaksanaan trip MTB, peserta harus tidak terpecah menjadi beberapa bagian. Agar mudah dalam pengontrolan Guide dan menghindari salah jalur.

Untuk perlengkapan kami hanya menyediakan Sepeda, helm, mobil Pick Up Loading untuk keperluan lain seperti halnya untuk membawa sepeda cadangan dan logistik lainnya.

Untuk perlengkapan lainnya trip MTB merupakan inisiatif peserta, karena ini ajang santai dan rileks sambil berwisata.

Minimal 5 orang peserta jika kurang akan ada hal-hal lainnya yang harus diperhitungkan. Dalam paket trip adventure ini kami mengilustrasikan lokasi pemberangkatan dari kota Mataram.

Lokasi start sangat fleksibel yang bisa Anda minta dari mana saja terutama dari kawasan Senggigi, pantai Kuta, Pelabuhan Bangsal dan lainnya karena lokasi hotel tempat menginap sangat banyak untuk wisatawan.

Rute perjalanan menuju kabupaten Lombok Tengah 97% beraspal licin sisanya 3 % jalan tanah persis di tengah tengah poros pulau Lombok, tapi sebelumnya kita akan bersepeda di lalulintas yang ramai hingga di pertigaan Pancordao.

Perjalanan relatif sepi hingga di pertigaan pasar Teratak kita belok kiri lagi melintasi persawahan yang indah dan akan sangat sempurna lagi jika gunung Rinjani tampak cerah.

Asyiknya destinasi ini, setelah balik ke arah kota Mataram tanpa diguncang pun kita bisa sampai di kota Cakranegara, hanya ada 2 tempat saja mesti harus mengayuh sepeda, yaitu di Kekeru dan Tanak Tepong atau di lokasi patung sapi.

Dengan medan melintasi perkebunan menuju tempat parkir Sepeda di pintu gerbang air terjun Benang Kelambu peserta bisa turun berendam, mandi di air terjun yang sangat bersih dan dingin.

Ada kolam kecil tempat berenang, sebelum balik ke lokasi tempat parkir, 75% melintasi jalur sangat ramai dan 30% perjalanan melintasi jalur sepi tapi medan separuhnya mendaki, tidak disarankan untuk pemula, total perjalanan kira-kira 70 km


  1. Tanjakan Bukit Tinggi Menuju Batu Kemalik 8 Km
  2. Pesisir Pantai Malimbu dan Pantai Malaka
  3. Wisata Taman Narmada dan Persawahan Desa Tanak Beak
  4. Jalur Bukit Pusuk dan Pesisir Pantai Malimbu
  5. Explore Pesisir Pantai Sekotong
  6.  Jelajah Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Mandalika Resort
  7. Keliling Lombok Rute Sembalun 2H/1M
  8. Panorama Persawahan Lingsar dan Suranadi dan Puranya
  9. Rute Ekstrim Bukit Dusun Bengkaung 15 km
trip sepeda MTB

Trip sepeda MTB kini sudah menjadi tren baru cara berwisata di Pulau Lombok. Trip ini sudah kami kemas sebaik mungkin hingga Anda betul betul bisa mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik berwisata di pulau Lombok menggunakan sepeda sambil menikmati alam dan perkampungan di pulau Lombok agar lebih mendekatkan diri kepada alam, budaya dan kearifan lokalnya.

Baca Juga : Pusuk Bike Park

Tentu tidak harus pesepeda atau atlet olahragawan sepeda yang bisa melakukan hal ini, anak kecil yang baru belajar naik sepeda pun bisa kita ajak untuk rute-rute tertentu.

Berwisata dengan konsep Trip sepeda MTB ini sambil Anda akan memiliki pengalaman bersepeda tersendiri, saya juga bukan pesepeda yang aktif tapi jika bersepeda ke sesuatu tempat yang indah tentu hal ini ada nilai tersendiri, selain merasakan sehat juga merasakan ketenangan sambil menikmati sesuatu yang baru untuk dilihat.


  1. Rute Ekstrim Bukit Dusun Bengkaung 15 km
  2.  Tanjakan Bukit Tinggi Menuju Batu Kemalik 8 Km
  3. Pesisir Pantai Malimbu dan Pantai Malaka
  4. Wisata Taman Narmada dan Persawahan Desa Tanak Beak
  5. Jalur Bukit Pusuk dan Pesisir Pantai Malimbu
  6. Explore Pesisir Pantai Sekotong
  7. Jelajah Persawahan Aik Berik dan Benang Kelambu
  8.  Jelajah Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Mandalika Resort
  9. Keliling Lombok Rute Sembalun 2H/1M

Beberapa rute bersepeda di atas sudah kami kemas agar bis dipilih sesuai harapan. Tidak sampai di situ saja Anda sendiri bisa menentukan pilihan lain (rute) atau dengan cara Anda sendiri bersama teman teman atau peserta, kami siap untuk mendengarkan seperti apa rencana Anda.

Bahkan Anda bisa merencanakan sendiri dengan hanya menyewa sepedanya saja, kami siap menghantar ke lokasi Anda akan memulai bersepeda dan setelah selesai kami pun siap menjemput atau mengambil kembali sepeda tersebut walaupun di lokasi tempat yang berbeda atau di lokasi finish dari acara bersepedanya.

trip sepeda MTB
Trip sepeda MTB 01
trip sepeda MTB
Trip sepeda MTB 02
trip sepeda MTB
Trip sepeda MTB 03
Perahu penyeberangan
Trip sepeda 04
Rute Gunung pengsong
Trip sepeda 05
Rute pantai Kuranji
Trip sepeda 06
Rute Otak Kokok
Trip sepeda 07
Pantai Induk
Trip sepeda 08
Rute Penimbung
Trip sepeda 09
rute Kuranji
Trip sepeda 10
trip sepeda MTB
Trip sepeda Lombok 11
trip sepeda MTB
Trip sepeda Lombok 12
trip sepeda MTB
Trip MTB Lombok 13
trip sepeda MTB
Trip sepeda lombok 14
Beautiful hill top Lombok

Bukit Batu Idung


Taman wisata Batu Idung bisa dikatakan belum terlalu dikenal oleh masyarakat kota Mataram atau orang Lombok pada umumnya bahkan belum terlalu dikenal oleh sebagian para pelaku pariwisata di Lombok.

Batu Idung Sunset
Buaian di sebelah barat bukit Batu Idung

Saya sendiri sangat mengidola kan tempat ini karena banyak hal yang bisa disuguh kan dari atas bukit Batu Idung yang masuk dalam wilayah kabupaten Lombok Barat.

Tidak jauh dari kantor bupati Lombok Barat kira-kira 5 km ke arah barat yang masuk dalam wilayah desa Jembatan Kembar kecamatan Gerung.

Letak lokasi ini belum ada tanda pengarah dari jalan raya atau dari jalan utama menuju pelabuhan Lembar dari arah kota Mataram.

Jadi dari perempatan yang tidak jauh dari kantor bupati Lombok Barat kira-kira 2 km ambil jalur ke arah pelabuhan Lembar yang menghubungkan kapal penyeberangan ferry ke pulau Bali.