Sightseeing in Trawangan
Sightseeing in Trawangan activities on the streets in seem trivial and are considered cheap or will not expel your wallet, in terms of doing this activity is not a matter of cost or how much we save on walking or cooler we say “sight seeing” is also a cool activity besides can stretch or flex the muscles.
By walking around you will be more careful in seeing the things we are going through as well as when we take a walk on Gili Trawangan.
When you turn to the left and right consisting of many hotel buildings and bungalows that might inspire how to organize: Parks, Houses, Gardens, Plants, terrace models and others in your home later after you have finished your vacation.

The walks on Gili Trawangan will give a different nuance than seeing the condition of your right and left activities here you can meet people from all corners of the world with behaviors that we might perceive differently and vice versa when they see you, the time right to carry out activities for walking is when the sun is not too hot or during the morning or evening.

I recommend you to come to the main streets of Gili Trawangan to the turtle breeding sites located on the east side of the island of Gili Trawangan.
The road to the right from the island’s public port, about 700 m to the north here consists of 2 breeding ponds measuring 4 x 4 meters placed in a building that resembles a hall and roofs of reeds covered with permanent construction of natural stone.
This is where turtle seedlings are raised until these turtle children are considered capable of living independently in the sea and after being released back to the big its habitat.

Do not worry about the presence of turtles in Gili Trawangan because Lombok people and Gili people do not consume turtles to consume as food as on the island of Bali.
These turtle seeds are produced from turtles that go ashore to lay eggs and then the eggs are moved not far from the location of captivity and after hatching a small turtle is moved into the pond and given food at any time – fresh fish slices.
Then I recommended to walk or sightseeing in Trawangan in the afternoon towards the sun seat point to see or wait for the sunset when this place has been organized for a long time by managers who own land around their sun seat points forming open bars by putting chairs and tables on on white sand.

In this place you can order various types of drinks while relaxing waiting for the times when the sunset is accompanied by western music that is pounding loudly. In addition there is a recently popular one to visit, namely to visit the swing in front of the hotel Ombak Sunset.
The hotel intentionally placed a swing on the beach in a submerged position to make it look artistic when people posed for pictures on a swing consisting of 3 swings and one of them in the middle right in front of the restaurant.
There were 2 swings or double swings, this place was very popularly hunted by netizen who like to browse because this place is very often posted on Facebook or even on Instagram.

The hotel swings of Sunset waves, Gili Trawangan, are now arguably successful in attracting the attention of travelers until now often seen people queuing long to wait their turn to pose on the swing or if a Malaysian traveler says “cradle”
Sightseeing Gili Trawangan does not have the authority to ban to anyone who wants to visit this place even though visitors do not stop by to shop or order drinks at Ombak Sunset restaurant, but among the hundreds of visitors who order drinks in the restaurant.
In addition, at the swing site, there are 2 photographers who are seen to wet their feet to the knees to take pictures on the swing, in the event that someone is interested in their shots, he can take a photo on the stand-by operator near the restaurant, regarding what price per photo will come here immediately and ask yourself.